


4 Tips to Find (and Keep) Your Next Rockstar Employee

LinkedIn’s unbeatable reach makes it the perfect place to find the next rockstar employee you’ve been looking for. To help you out, I’ve rounded up 4 quick and easy tips for you to get started. Ready, set, go!

1: Expand Your Professional LinkedIn Network

While a critical part of networking is “who you know”, sometimes “who knows you” is more important. By building authentic relationships on LinkedIn, rather than large contact databases, people will take the time to refer you to great candidates you otherwise may have missed.

find a rockstar employee by sharing your passionsSo how do you go about forming relationships online? First, fill out your profile with both personal and professional information. People engage others that they have something in common with, so if you’re an avid surfer or love to cook, put it up there! You never know who may have the same passions as you.

Actively engaging with your connections is another essential piece of advice to start building strong relationships. Find something you have in common with them and send them a friendly message. Keep in mind, being genuine and writing a personal message to someone means a lot more than sending a mass message to all of your connections. LinkedIn also makes it super easy to congratulate your connections on a birthday or a new role, so be sure to wish them well!

2: Take Advantage Of Advanced Search

LinkedIn’s advanced search is a great tool for finding specific individuals who have the exact specifications you’re looking for in your next employee. By targeting particular geographical locations, position titles, industries, and experience levels, you can create a manageable list of people with the skills and experience necessary for the role.

Once you’re satisfied with the list, be sure to send these people a personalized message with specific information about the open position, remember personalization is key! You can also include a link to the job posting to make it super easy for them to apply. Do this and watch those applications flow in!

3: Join LinkedIn Groups

With hundreds of thousands of LinkedIn groups, you’re sure to find a few who’s members share the same interests, specializations, backgrounds, and experience that you seek in a potential employee.

Participate in these groups by asking and answering questions, or posting relevant articles that people would find interesting. The more you contribute and showcase your knowledge, the higher your chances are of becoming a thought leader within that space. After all, every employee wants to work for someone they can learn from.

4: Create A Compelling LinkedIn Company Page

If people are considering working for your company, they want to know how they will fit in. By creating a company page on LinkedIn that highlights what your organization does, how it contributes to the community, and it’s outstanding culture, there will be no shortage of rockstar employees wanting to work for you!

Make sure your company page description is filled with keywords related to your business and industry. Since company pages are public by default, adding these keywords ensures your page appears in Google search results.

Another great tip is to create a video that further showcases what an awesome place your company is to work for. Interview some of your current employees, and take potential hires on a virtual tour of your office to get them excited about the opportunity to contribute to your organization!

If you’re looking to add some talented members to your team and want to hear more about our LinkedIn strategies, please choose the best day/time to chat using my online scheduler:

Written by: Emilie Kruger

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