
The Power of Your LinkedIn Persona

There’s no tool that matches the Internet in terms of speed and breadth when it comes to connecting people. Whether you are looking for new clients, hoping to expand your business, or searching for a new job, creating an accurate and compelling online …


Your Social Media Marketing Initiatives Must Start With Strategy

Companies must create a plan for the strategic use of social media for the same reason they must have a business plan. The outcome that results from developing a strategy serves as a map for the organization’s methodology for using social media for the needs of companies and their customers.


The Currency of Trust: 5 Reasons Why LinkedIn Is Critical For Your Cryptocurrency Business and Professional Success

If you’re in cryptocurrency and LinkedIn is an afterthought, you are missing out. The world has changed. The way we do business has changed. In year’s past, you could walk into a local shop, meet the owner face to face, experience his work, and shake h …


Why LinkedIn Native Video and Why it’s Important

We’ve all heard that video is king and it shows with platforms such as Youtube taking over the content space followed by live streaming from Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. We rarely think of Linkedin being a space for video success, but it’s quickly …


LinkedIn Myths: Debunked

In this extra nerdy rendition of MythBusters, I’m shedding light on the truth behind 5 of the most common LinkedIn myths. Myth #1: Only Connect With People You Know Go ahead; be as selective as you want with who you accept as your Facebook friend or yo …


How to Tell a Story People Will Remember

As one of the top 10 websites with the most user traffic on the Internet, LinkedIn is the place to publish industry related content. LinkedIn Pulse, the platform’s online news aggregation, started as an avenue for LinkedIn Influencers to write and prom …


LinkedIn Unveils its Newest Feature: Q&A Videos

Have you checked your Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, or Twitter lately? If so, you have probably seen that video is dominating social media nowadays. Not only are video based features fun for users to watch and share, they also increase the amount of t …


EveryoneLinked + Solatube: LinkedIn Sales Strategy

The team at Solatube looked to EveryoneLinked as a creative and cost-effective way to expand their reach and increase sales nationwide. Solatube’s top-of-the-line products, combined with EveryoneLinked’s LinkedIn expertise, created a force to be reckon …


LinkedIn’s First-Ever TV Ad

LinkedIn is hoping to grab the attention of millions of viewers by airing its first-ever TV advert during the Academy Awards telecast this Sunday. After a troubled start to the year, which saw its shares plummet 40 percent ahead of its fourth quarter e …


3 Easy Steps = Quality Leads on LinkedIn

LinkedIn provides an incredible opportunity to grow your business and connect with prospects from around the world. With the new year upon us, it is a great time to learn how to use LinkedIn to your advantage. For the past two years, our team has lived …


How LinkedIn Saved My Startup

Life isn’t easy for startup founders outside Silicon Valley. No founder thinks they’ll have an easy go of things, but try not being able to raise a single dollar in your hometown after 18 months. I’d been on the verge of accepting a deal less than half …


Social Selling: Getting Your Salespeople Onboard

3 Tactics to Get Salespeople to Embrace Social Selling. Today’s technology-enabled buyers do their own research before calling a sales rep. They use blogs, discussion forums, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even Facebook to frame business issues, identify optio …


18 Reasons Why You Need Every Employee Using LinkedIn Every Day

Corporations are finally waking up to the fact that they need to engage all their people in social media. The impact of social media on a company’s brand is monumental, and it affects everyone throughout your organization – from the entry-level millenn …


Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid With LinkedIn

With over 329 million members, LinkedIn can provide invaluable networking opportunities for professional services firms. Since it is a social network geared specifically to business professionals, LinkedIn users don’t have to battle the private and pub …


LinkedIn – Connect Already!!!

If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to fully embrace LinkedIn as THE place to present yourself and your business to the world.  I fought it myself, just not wanting to pay attention, I didn’t believe I had the time. It was bugging me for a while. …