


The Currency of Trust: 5 Reasons Why LinkedIn Is Critical For Your Cryptocurrency Business and Professional Success

If you’re in cryptocurrency and LinkedIn is an afterthought, you are missing out.

The world has changed. The way we do business has changed. In year’s past, you could walk into a local shop, meet the owner face to face, experience his work, and shake hands on a deal. Today, business is conducted on a global scale. Now with cryptocurrency and blockchain, it’s even easier to do business throughout your country and internationally.

So how do you know the person you want to work with is the person you want to work with?

It all comes down to trust.

LinkedIn has proven to be the trusted business network. With over 500 million users, 45% of those are CEOs and senior management professionals of small business, regional companies and worldwide enterprises. Trust and reputation are key motivating factors for professionals to connect with others on LinkedIn.

In the case of an ICO, information with regards to the team, business model, product implementation, token valuation is key for an investor’s decision. Linkedin has the ability to share information through media such as a blog post, article in an industry publication, and recommendations by other experts on a LinkedIn.

It boils down to this.

You need to expand your presence on LinkedIn.

Here’s the top 5 reasons why:

  1. Increase your Influence. FAST.

Imagine the impact it would have on your company if you were seen as an influencer?

How much easier would it be to get board members?

How much faster would you raise money for your ICO?

Here’s an example:

Which “expert” would you rather work with?

  1. Powerful Brand Image.

Have you ever googled someone’s name?

If you have, you’ll notice that their LinkedIn profile most likely populates first.

Remember this:

People buy into brands, not ideas. They want to know the people behind the product. When your company’s presence is aligned with your brand, your credibility and presence grows. This includes your company’s profile, your personal profile and your team’s profiles. It can be hard to write about yourself and create a cohesive story which is why we recommend having your profiles professionally done.

  1. Be known as a Crypto Thought Leader.

Sharing articles, white papers, videos, and messages through LinkedIn is the fastest way to establish relationships and authority with your audience.

It is absolutely imperative to establish and nurture important online business connections. and LinkedIn facilitates that goal. According to an infographic from Wishpond, 44% of LinkedIn users establish better face-to-face relationships through their use of the platform.

In terms of building authority, what we’ve found to work best is sharing a combination of natural posts (posts you create yourself) and sharing posts other’s create. This can be done by your team or by an service company like EveryoneLinked.

  1. Best platform for Hiring & Recruiting.

It’s as simple as this:

The difference between a successful company and an unsuccessful company is who they hire.

From our research, the majority of cryptocurrency jobs start with LinkedIn. The more your company page represents your company culture the easier it is to add qualified members to your team whether it’s a, partner, team member or blockchain developer.

And for those of you needing some stats…

According to LinkedIn, the use of social networking for recruitment has seen a whopping 73% increase in recruitment usage, compared to a 15% increase for internet job boards and a 16% decrease for staffing agencies over the last 4 years. With more than two professionals signing up on LinkedIn every second, you are ideally positioned to hire top blockchain and cryptocurrency experts that are crucial for your business success.

  1. More Investors. More Partners. More Clients.

As a B2B social network platform, LinkedIn offers you the most effective and versatile tools for identifying prospects, engaging them and turning them into long-term, high value clients. LinkedIn is responsible for a shocking 64% of all visits from social media channels to corporate websites.


Bottom line:

LinkedIn makes it easy to find the right people for you and your organization.

There are so many cryptocurrency companies who don’t understand this and they’re missing out on a huge opportunity.

Whether you’re looking to find investors or add team members…

Become known as a Crypto Thought Leader…

Or raise more capital for your ICOs…

You have to set yourself apart from the rest.

And you do that with TRUST.

If you’d like to know how to leverage LinkedIn to grow your business set up a free 15-minute consult here.


Additional Resources: Our brand package sets up your CEO profile, your team’s profile, company page, connects you with people who have the skill sets you need to fill your executive and development position and a database of crypto industry leaders that could be available to fill board advisory positions, as needed. The most comprehensive legal service for cryptocurrency. Their strength is building your mobile platform, ICO services, from white paper to legal to pre-public token sales to funding.

Everyone Linked