Is Richard Branson’s Vacation Plan Crazy or Brilliant?
Eccentric billionaire Richard Branson is known for his larger-than-life exploits, but now he may be cultivating a reputation as the hero of the working stiff.

Weaving social purpose into a business is becoming an increasingly popular trend. From seeking certification as a B Corporation — in which a for-profit company meets certain standards of social and environmental performance — to pursuing impact inves …
Eccentric billionaire Richard Branson is known for his larger-than-life exploits, but now he may be cultivating a reputation as the hero of the working stiff.
Today eBay announced it would spin-off its fast-growing PayPal division in 2015. The decision to separate PayPal from eBay’s marketplace operations is a drastic reversal for eBay, which this February fended off an aggressive attack from activist investor Carl Icahn who called the two companies to split.
eBay EBAY +7.83% and PayPal are going their separate ways. Today eBay announced that its fast-growing PayPal division would be spun off as a new company in 2015. In 2013, PayPal moved $180 billion in 26 currencies across 193 nations. Its revenue jumped 20% to $6.6 billion–41% of eBay’s total and 36% of its profits.
All social-media users are equal, but some are more equal than others.