1.12.16The Unbeaten Path
The Unbeaten Path
I like to start every day on Necker with an early morning walk around the island. There are stunning views of the BVI to take in, while flamingos fly overhead. It is relaxing, peaceful and invigorating. But there is also an alternative walk around the island…

Later in the day, I like to tackle a far more challenging route, which takes me along the far wilder side of the island. When I have entrepreneurs staying on the island, I like to invite them along somethings. I give them the choice: the easy walk or the challenging walk. Being entrepreneurs, they usually join me for the challenging option.
At one point, it involves climbing along a cliff face, avoiding crashing waves and then jumping down onto slippery rocks, again trying to avoid further crashing waves. We haven’t lost a guest yet! As they say in the video (without any prompting from yours truly, honest!): “Richard, you have such great ideas!”
Taking difficult paths always leads to a more fun and interesting life than taking the easy path. As Robert Frost said:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
When was the last time you took the hard path instead of the easy path, and it paid off?
Written By Richard Branson