


Appreciating Socially Conscious Companies

If you would have asked me a year ago to give an example of a sustainable organization I would have thought of Tom’s Shoes and that’s probably about it. I’ve heard the term used for a while now, but I never truly understood what being a socially conscious company means for its employees, stakeholders, and society as a whole.

Socially Conscious, Environmentalism

Upon joining the team at EveryoneLinked, my boss informed me that our focus is on promoting and engaging with companies that are social change makers and prioritize giving back and bettering their communities. I’ll admit it; I was a little scared at first. Without the full understanding of what categorizes companies as being socially conscious, I thought we were seriously limiting ourselves.

Socially Conscious, Windmills

Although hesitant, I jumped in with both feet and learned more and more each day about corporate responsibility and how EveryoneLinked and the companies we partner with are making a stand everyday to do something great. Working for a company that exercises socially conscious beliefs has helped me to look at organizations in a different light. I’ve had the opportunity to realize that the real differentiating factor between a good company and a great one isn’t found on their bottom line but on how they give back to the community, the environment, and the world.

By: Emilie Kruger

Everyone Linked