


Bienvenido a Mexico!

Margaritas, sand between our toes, and lots of sunshine were the backdrop to EveryoneLinked’s company retreat this year, bienvenido a Mexico!

EveryoneLinked Mexico Retreat

Although it’s a short drive from San Diego, trekking south of the border made it feel like we were thousands of miles away from home and the perfect place to escape the daily grind for a few days.

Don’t get me wrong, the whole trip wasn’t spent surfing, swimming, and chowing down on delicious Mexican food, although we did have our fair share of tacos! We spent a good amount of time brainstorming as a team and reviewing our strategic plan to ensure an awesome Q4 for us and for our clients.

We have a lot of amazing opportunities brewing here at EveryoneLinked and we are excited to share them with you as they come to fruition!

Everyone Linked