
Your Social Media Marketing Initiatives Must Start With Strategy

Companies must create a plan for the strategic use of social media for the same reason they must have a business plan. The outcome that results from developing a strategy serves as a map for the organization’s methodology for using social media for the needs of companies and their customers.


Why It Is Essential to Put Strategy Before Tactics

Marketing strategy is one of my favorite topics, and it’s been a distinguishing mark over the years of Duct Tape Marketing because so many marketers want to talk about tactics. When I talk about marketing strategy, the first thing I talk about is what …


Facebook: Cutting Off Businesses, Brands & Media from News Feed

Facebook announced the end of the Facebook News Feed as we know it. In a Facebook post, Mark Zuckerberg today wrote: “recently we’ve gotten feedback from our community that public content — posts from businesses, brands and media — is crowding out the …


Why Email Is Essential to Your New Omnichannel Marketing Strategy

Email is one of the most effective digital communication channels and delivers the highest ROI of any marketing tactic (email marketing generates $38 for every $1 spent!). It’s also the key to unlocking a consumer’s entire Internet-based life and your …


How to Target Your Facebook Ads So That You Don’t Leak Money

Does this sound familiar? You took a swing at Facebook advertising, hoping that it would help you increase your customer base and profits. You tweaked the copy of your ads, used different images, played with the calls-to-action (CTA’s), and so on. But, …


Social Entrepreneurship Is The New Black

Social Entrepreneurship Is The New Black. In his 2013 TED Talk, Harvard Business Strategy professor, Michael Porter, made his case for “why business can be good at solving social problems.” In his speech, he made the bold claim that even massive proble …


Social Selling: Getting Your Salespeople Onboard

3 Tactics to Get Salespeople to Embrace Social Selling. Today’s technology-enabled buyers do their own research before calling a sales rep. They use blogs, discussion forums, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even Facebook to frame business issues, identify optio …


Richard Branson on Being Social Media Savvy

By embracing social media you can keep in touch with and inform your customers to a greater degree than ever before.


3 Innovative Ways Startups Are Driving Results Over Social Media

See how three businesses used inventive and effective social-media strategies to boost brand awareness, build relationships with customers and drive sales.


How to Breathe Life into Your Google+ Profile

Social media marketing is still critically important to a thriving online presence. Many businesses and entrepreneurs experience fatigue over the number of networks that are available en masse. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest… and more recently, and critically, Google+. Creating content, managing engagement, and taking all the other necessary steps to get things done is exhausting, even for a business that picks and chooses its networks. Still, when Google rolled out Google+, it was clearly time to pay attention.


What NASA Can Teach You About Social-Media Marketing

When you think of NASA, you probably think of spaceships, telescopes and lunar expeditions. What you might not know is that the organization is also a powerhouse when it comes to social-media marketing. An achievement they’ve reached without the benefit of a social-media budget.


9 Steps to a Successful Employer Branding Strategy

Never has current and future talent been more important to business success than it is today. Today, organizations discuss having a “people advantage” and work with “talent optimization.” There are also new titles and positions like “Chief Talent Officer.” Attracting and retaining the right talent is becoming a key organizational capability. The industry is quickly moving away from a short-term recruitment focus to a long-term employer branding focus.


SEO and PPC are Dead! The Rise of Social Media for Business..

The question always remains: what marketing technique makes more sense for your business? Marketing is often a challenge for many businesses, especially when there are too many competitors with the same product. When long-created SEO techniques become outdated, or no longer in play, someone must start to pedal to bring those features back.


Are you Ready to Socially Engage Your Company? – 10 Steps to Social Engaging Your Organization

Social media has become one of the most important, yet most misunderstood brand promotion methods in the world. Brandishing social media properly can get your brand exposure that you could never have imagined. Follow these 10 basic steps to use the potential of social media fully.


Content Curation in Social Media Marketing

Social media has become one of the most important, yet most misunderstood brand promotion methods in the world. Brandishing social media properly can get your brand exposure that you could never have imagined. Follow these 10 basic steps to use the potential of social media fully.


5 Tips for Social Media Marketing

Social media for business has been the golden goose that seems to never lay the golden egg. You feed it, you nurture it, and spend time with it, you just never seem to get the payoff.


11 Ways to Engage Customers Using Social Media

Are there rules of engagement in social media? If so, which ones apply to small businesses? “If you’ve ever wondered how to engage better on social media, you’re not alone,” according to Everything-PR.com. “The world of Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest can be confusing—and most marketers are still trying to figure things out. When should you post? What should you post? What are the rules?”


How to Imagineer Your Content Strategy Like Walt Disney

One of the most effective ways to create a content strategy is to forget about marketing and focus on storytelling. By creating a compelling editorial calendar, you’ll have an easier time marketing your content and convincing customers that your conten …


12 Social-Media Mistakes That Entrepreneurs Make

  What’s a big social-media mistake that business owners make?       Ignoring social media altogether, because they don’t have time to understand its impact. They write it off in the name of focusing on other more pressing prioritie …


LinkedIn – Connect Already!!!

If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to fully embrace LinkedIn as THE place to present yourself and your business to the world.  I fought it myself, just not wanting to pay attention, I didn’t believe I had the time. It was bugging me for a while. …