
Establish a Meaningful Social Purpose for Your Brand

Weaving social purpose into a business is becoming an increasingly popular trend. From seeking certification as a B Corporation — in which a for-profit company meets certain standards of social and environmental performance — to pursuing impact inves …


8 Tips to Quickly Master Social Media For Businesses & Entrepreneurs

Much has been written on the Buffer Blog about social media strategy. In the last month alone, we’ve covered (in great detail) everything from Facebook Messenger marketing and managing multiple social media accounts to creating remarkable content and t …


LinkedIn is Committing to be carbon negative by 2030

LinkedIn is proud to be part of Microsoft’s commitment to be carbon negative by 2030. We’re committed to ambitious goals and a new plan to reduce and ultimately remove our carbon footprint. This includes: A pledge to being carbon negative by 2030, and, …


Lead Generation Strategies for Early-Stage Startups

Sales can make or break your company. It doesn’t matter if you run a business with an eight-figure top line, or you’re leading a small startup that’s just trying to close on its first few sales, lead generation is something you have to focus on daily. …


How to Tell A Story on Social Media

For me, I’m only interested in one thing. The thing that binds us all together. No matter who you are or what your profession is – whether you’re an entrepreneur or in sales or a designer or a developer – no matter what you do, your job is to tell a st …


Your Social Media Marketing Initiatives Must Start With Strategy

Companies must create a plan for the strategic use of social media for the same reason they must have a business plan. The outcome that results from developing a strategy serves as a map for the organization’s methodology for using social media for the needs of companies and their customers.


5 Strategies to Optimize Your Lead Generation

How do you optimize your lead generation efforts? In every industry, from B2B to B2C, the answer to this question is becoming increasingly crucial. Particularly for businesses with long buyer’s journey, getting leads into the funnel is a prerequisite t …


So You Have An Idea For An ICO…

ICOs  (Initial Coin Offerings) are growing in massive leaps and bounds into a multi-billion-dollar industry and it doesn’t look like it will be slowing down in the near future. Competition is increasing and more companies are using ICO’s instead of tra …


Why LinkedIn Native Video and Why it’s Important

We’ve all heard that video is king and it shows with platforms such as Youtube taking over the content space followed by live streaming from Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. We rarely think of Linkedin being a space for video success, but it’s quickly …


5 Ways the ‘Lean’ Approach Can Help Your Startup Grow

You’ve got a great idea, secured investment and have taken your product to market. You may have even experienced early success. But before long, cracks appear: The numbers are heading in slightly the wrong direction and unnervingly, things aren’t worki …


Facebook: Cutting Off Businesses, Brands & Media from News Feed

Facebook announced the end of the Facebook News Feed as we know it. In a Facebook post, Mark Zuckerberg today wrote: “recently we’ve gotten feedback from our community that public content — posts from businesses, brands and media — is crowding out the …


Why Market Research Matters

The first step in launching any successful business should be conducting research into prospective markets. Capturing and sifting through such data is Dionna McPhatter’s specialty. Before co-founding New York-based marketing firm The Strategy Collectiv …


Why Email Is Essential to Your New Omnichannel Marketing Strategy

Email is one of the most effective digital communication channels and delivers the highest ROI of any marketing tactic (email marketing generates $38 for every $1 spent!). It’s also the key to unlocking a consumer’s entire Internet-based life and your …


Advertising Your Small Business: Small Budget, Big Results

If you’re a small business owner with a modest budget, you may be wondering where to begin with advertising. Although the advertising world can be overwhelming, the good news is that you know your business better than anyone else. Here are a few things …


Social-Media Marketing Is Not the Silver Bullet for Busy Entrepreneurs

The entrepreneurial life is busy. You spend long hours growing your business and serving your customers. On top of all of that, you have the normal responsibilities of life. You throw in a family, and it seems like there’s not enough time in each week. …


Institute B presents, Not Business As Usual

Not Business as Usual is a provocative look at capitalism and its unintended price of success. Institute B’s film tracks the changing landscape of business with the rising tide of conscious capitalism through the stories of local entrepreneurs who have …


The Millennial Social Entrepreneur: Business Not As Usual

Millennials are now the largest segment of the U.S. labor market according to Pew Research, and they are pushing back on “business as usual” in corporate America today, says a recent article featured on MPR News. Profit, profit, and more profit is not …


Social Entrepreneurship Is The New Black

Social Entrepreneurship Is The New Black. In his 2013 TED Talk, Harvard Business Strategy professor, Michael Porter, made his case for “why business can be good at solving social problems.” In his speech, he made the bold claim that even massive proble …


Social Selling: Getting Your Salespeople Onboard

3 Tactics to Get Salespeople to Embrace Social Selling. Today’s technology-enabled buyers do their own research before calling a sales rep. They use blogs, discussion forums, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even Facebook to frame business issues, identify optio …


Storytelling as a Means of Customer Engagement

Creating good stories is how companies help preoccupied, information-overloaded consumers that there is something worth their time and interest. But here’s the key question: How do companies get started with storytelling? Here is a five-step process th …


Social Media Glossary: The Ultimate List of Terms

For many people, posting a tweet, hashtagging an Instagram caption, and sending out an invite for a Facebook event on Facebook has become common practice. (In fact, if you’re highly experienced, you probably do all three at once.) But with new social m …


4 B Corps and 4 Benefits They Didn’t See Coming

When CauseLabs became a B Corp late last year, we knew we were joining an inspiring, energized network of more than 1,300 businesses in 41 countries redefining success in business. We completed the rigorous assessment because it seemed a natural fit fo …


The New Entrepreneur Path for Building a Profitable Conscious Business

 We are experiencing a pivotal moment of awakening, a massive shift in consciousness that is occurring all over the globe. In the business sector, this is evidenced by the growing number of entrepreneurs, owners and executives who desire to combine mak …


Using LinkedIn Groups to Advance Your Career

Most people have a LinkedIn profile, but is that enough to truly engage in successful professional networking? LinkedIn boasts many other features that allow you to use the network to your advantage. So what’s LinkedIn’s best-kept secret that will adva …


When Purpose Turns a Profit

Building bigger—and better—bottom lines, today’s new breed of caring capitalists blur the lines between “for-profit” and “nonprofit.” Twenty-five years ago, Andrew Kassoy followed a path all too common among bright, young business-minded graduates of h …


Social Seal of Approval Lures Talent

The Social Seal: Employers Tout Their B Corp Label as a Credential to Compete for Young Hires  companies compete to lure young, socially minded talent, they are stepping up their B game. More companies are touting the B Corp logo, a third-party seal of …


18 Reasons Why You Need Every Employee Using LinkedIn Every Day

Corporations are finally waking up to the fact that they need to engage all their people in social media. The impact of social media on a company’s brand is monumental, and it affects everyone throughout your organization – from the entry-level millenn …


More States Encourage ‘Companies with a Conscience’

Big City Farms of Baltimore sells fresh produce to restaurants and consumers. More states are promoting such “benefit corporations” to encourage economic development with some social benefit. (Big City Farms Inc.) Conscious Companies In the last four y …


Companies with Benefits

In recent years, Warby Parker has become the eyeglass-maker of choice for hipsters. In a recent GQ taxonomy of the different varieties of nerd, all but one of the nerds were wearing a pair of Warby Parkers. The company’s approach—selling stylish specs …


Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid With LinkedIn

With over 329 million members, LinkedIn can provide invaluable networking opportunities for professional services firms. Since it is a social network geared specifically to business professionals, LinkedIn users don’t have to battle the private and pub …


Common Myths About Branding Dispelled

“Branding” has existed for thousands of years. In the beginning, it was an identifying mark that helped buyers recognize they were buying a pot (or steer) that wouldn’t break in the cooking fire. As technologies and production lines evolved over the la …


20 Inspiring SlideShare Presentations Every Marketer Should See

Some SlideShare presentations are better than others. Some have gorgeous designs. Some have insanely actionable takeaways. Some just give down-to-earth advice. But the best SlideShare presentations represent all three.


Is Richard Branson’s Vacation Plan Crazy or Brilliant?

Eccentric billionaire Richard Branson is known for his larger-than-life exploits, but now he may be cultivating a reputation as the hero of the working stiff.


Ebay CEO John Donahoe Talks About The PayPal Split And Future Of Two Companies

Today eBay announced it would spin-off its fast-growing PayPal division in 2015. The decision to separate PayPal from eBay’s marketplace operations is a drastic reversal for eBay, which this February fended off an aggressive attack from activist investor Carl Icahn who called the two companies to split.


Ebay And PayPal To Split!

eBay EBAY +7.83% and PayPal are going their separate ways. Today eBay announced that its fast-growing PayPal division would be spun off as a new company in 2015. In 2013, PayPal moved $180 billion in 26 currencies across 193 nations. Its revenue jumped 20% to $6.6 billion–41% of eBay’s total and 36% of its profits.


5 Social Media Rules Every Entrepreneur Should Know

All social-media users are equal, but some are more equal than others.


Bad brands kill good ideas

“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar “-David Ogilvy. This is another reason why so much content fails on websites and in ads. Remember that a lot of people scan the Internet they don’t read unless you capture their attention.


Richard Branson on Being Social Media Savvy

By embracing social media you can keep in touch with and inform your customers to a greater degree than ever before.


3 Innovative Ways Startups Are Driving Results Over Social Media

See how three businesses used inventive and effective social-media strategies to boost brand awareness, build relationships with customers and drive sales.


7 Companies Where Creative People Thrive

If you have creativity in your blood, there’s nothing worse than working in an environment that stifles your out-of-the-box thinking—and nothing better than finding a company that’s built by and for people just like you.


4 Ways to Build Your Employment Brand

Your employment brand is very similar to your personal brand in respect to marketing your expertise to the people in your networks. However, when you create your employment brand, you’re specifically marketing yourself as a job seeker for employers and recruiters. By doing this, you can help recruiters discover you as a potential candidate for their company.


How to Breathe Life into Your Google+ Profile

Social media marketing is still critically important to a thriving online presence. Many businesses and entrepreneurs experience fatigue over the number of networks that are available en masse. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest… and more recently, and critically, Google+. Creating content, managing engagement, and taking all the other necessary steps to get things done is exhausting, even for a business that picks and chooses its networks. Still, when Google rolled out Google+, it was clearly time to pay attention.


What NASA Can Teach You About Social-Media Marketing

When you think of NASA, you probably think of spaceships, telescopes and lunar expeditions. What you might not know is that the organization is also a powerhouse when it comes to social-media marketing. An achievement they’ve reached without the benefit of a social-media budget.


9 Steps to a Successful Employer Branding Strategy

Never has current and future talent been more important to business success than it is today. Today, organizations discuss having a “people advantage” and work with “talent optimization.” There are also new titles and positions like “Chief Talent Officer.” Attracting and retaining the right talent is becoming a key organizational capability. The industry is quickly moving away from a short-term recruitment focus to a long-term employer branding focus.


Richard Branson and Elon Musk on fear, failure, and reinventing the future

Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Virgin chairman Richard Branson are brimming with advice for would-be entrepreneurs. The two billionaires don’t agree on everything, but they are in alignment on one particular life lesson, one that they both learned the hard way. Starting a company is not glamorous; it will consume you, and you’ll likely fail. But you should do it anyway.


Empowering your employees as social brand ambassadors

Organizations large and small from both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors often cite their people as one of their brand’s greatest assets. While some have taken steps toward empowering their team members as brand ambassadors offline, few have developed a digital strategy to arm employees online as well.Though social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have proven to be effective tools for the marketing staff to engage in large-scale brand building, there’s still a disconnect between brand-based and employee-powered social media engagement.


Content Curation in Social Media Marketing

Social media has become one of the most important, yet most misunderstood brand promotion methods in the world. Brandishing social media properly can get your brand exposure that you could never have imagined. Follow these 10 basic steps to use the potential of social media fully.



Accurately track and measure responses to your social media efforts across the organization. Understand and measure ROI by easily identifying trending content and topics. Up to the minute leaderboard tracks progress across multiple groups and individua …



Strategically target the right audience with the right content at the right time.  Consistency in content quality and frequency positions you and your company as the leading and trusted authority in your industry.



Implement best social media push technology practices to drive relevant traffic to your website.



Give your employees, customers, and community members the tools they need to effectively promote your branded message to an exponentially growing audience.