
Artificial Intelligence Will Revolutionize Marketing

In 2015, I shared a bold prediction from LeadGenius cofounder Anand Kulkarni: “In just 10 years most salespeoples’ jobs will be replaced by artificial intelligence.” As I wrote then and as I believe today, sales is not going away. Salespeople are not g …


Insights From The CMT Of Xerox, An $18B Firm

Duane Schulz, Chief Marketing Technologist at Xerox, is one of the true pioneers of this hybrid profession. Duane has forged a number of great marketing technology management practices at Xerox, a highly-distributed $18 billion company with over 100,00 …


30 Under 30: Social Entrepreneurs

After Christopher Gray, 24, earned enough scholarship awards to fund his entire Drexel University education (and then some), he knew he wanted to pay it forward. Today, the Scholly cofounder and CEO is using a simple app to help 600,000 people and coun …


When Purpose Turns a Profit

Building bigger—and better—bottom lines, today’s new breed of caring capitalists blur the lines between “for-profit” and “nonprofit.” Twenty-five years ago, Andrew Kassoy followed a path all too common among bright, young business-minded graduates of h …


18 Reasons Why You Need Every Employee Using LinkedIn Every Day

Corporations are finally waking up to the fact that they need to engage all their people in social media. The impact of social media on a company’s brand is monumental, and it affects everyone throughout your organization – from the entry-level millenn …


Common Myths About Branding Dispelled

“Branding” has existed for thousands of years. In the beginning, it was an identifying mark that helped buyers recognize they were buying a pot (or steer) that wouldn’t break in the cooking fire. As technologies and production lines evolved over the la …


Ebay CEO John Donahoe Talks About The PayPal Split And Future Of Two Companies

Today eBay announced it would spin-off its fast-growing PayPal division in 2015. The decision to separate PayPal from eBay’s marketplace operations is a drastic reversal for eBay, which this February fended off an aggressive attack from activist investor Carl Icahn who called the two companies to split.